Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Water and Environmental Research Laboratory

(Land, Water, Climate, and Watershed Modeling)

Home Page

We are currently implementing a project funded through USDA/NIFA. The project goals include evaluation of surface-ground water quality (suspended solids, phosphorus, nitrogen, bacteria loads) and quantity impacts driven by implementation of conservation and crop management practices within the Big Sunflower River watershed (BSRW) in the Mississippi delta using a modeling approach with field verification. Both field observed and geospatial data as shown below will be utilized with biophysical predictive tools (surafce-ground water models) to assess the effects of mitigation strategies on water quality.

We have hosted USDA/FAS funded "Cochran Fellowship Program" Fellows from Senegal, Mali, and Tajikistan recently under "Climate Smart Agriculture" training programs at Mississippi State University. Thank you for all who participated!